
Posts Tagged ‘linkedin’

Evolving Social media

February 17, 2011 1 comment

social mediaSocial media is evolving every moment. When we look at Facebook and the way it has evolved since 2004. Originally seens as a “evolved” version of Orkut, today it manages to frighten the likes of many. LinkedIn has evolved as a very professional network and today Quora is also seen in high regard. I am sure in another few years, say 2015 we have no clue as to what would be th enew social media like. Will it be web, mobile, videos or  culmination of all and more? Do you have any guesses?

With Facebook having over 600 million users, the rules of the game are changing dramatically. Approximately 2.5 billion vidoes/day are being watched on Facebook itself. Then there is YouTube with its loyal fan following. Flickr, another great site for sharing images records 130 million uploads per month.

On an average they have about 6-7 years of existence and they have completely changed the way we now look at internet, society, friends, business, jobs, lifestyle etc. Almost every professional company have their presence in social media to interact with their current/prospective customers. It is not surprising that 80% of companies use social media for recruitment.

Even the traditional media and businesses recognize the power of Social Media and its impacts on individuals, businesses, and society. So they are putting social front and center on marketing materials that not only looks relevant, but more importantly sends a message that you are open to a two-way conversation at their place. It’s also a convenient way to send the message across beyond a TV ad, piece of point of sale, brochure, etc.

Social media doesn’t have an entry barrier. Every individual can become a news creator, subject matter expert, initiator, and social activist using blogs, micro-blogs, social sharing, and networking sites. Its a right platform which provides an equal opportunity for everyone to voice their thoughts, opinions, and share information with the world.

When was the last time you were searching for books/camera/mobile online and saw ads of the same in your facebook, gmail very same day/next day? It’s not definitely not a coincidence. We are evolving as we speak.

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You can write to me at supriya[dot]work[at]gmail[dot]com