
Archive for the ‘Women’ Category

Google goes Gaga

google goes gagaLast month I discussed about Lady Gaga (Gaga over Lady Gaga). I discussed how  Lady Gaga is known for her quirkiness, unpredictability and outrageous choice of clothes. I mentioned how Lady Gaga is fast becoming a case study for all marketing professionals around the world.

Now Google has also interviewed her. And more than a million people have already seen this one hour interview with in six days.

The youth icons has been able to identify the desire of their target audience and she is doing everything to fulfill those desires through a perfectly crafted, staged, managed and sustained image.

I personally believe that she does not only inspire people to “be who they are” but she inspires people to never give up.

Here is her interview with google.

Save girl child!!

I found this comic but a thoughtful image about saving girl child on the web. I thought of sharing it with you.
save girl child womens day

Categories: Humour, Women Tags: ,

What women mean and what they dont – Some secrets!

February 28, 2011 1 comment

womenI came across to the follwoing ‘facts’.  Always try to follow these rules to get to maintain a good relationship.  Sharing with you all these rules.

  1. The woman always makes the rules
  2. These rules are subject to change without notice
  3. No man can possibly know all the rules
  4. The woman is never wrong
  5. If it appears the woman is wrong, it is because of a flagrant misunderstanding caused by something the man did or said
  6. The man must apologise immediately for causing the misunderstanding
  7. The woman can change her mind at any time
  8. The man must never change his mind without the proper consent of the woman
  9. The man must read the mind of the woman at all times
  10. At all times, what is important is what the woman meant, not what she said.

What do you say?